2008 Is Ready . . . Are You?
By Brian Pitman, September 2007
As the warm memories of the 2007 ICGA Annual Convention begin to fade into history, 2008’s convention is already planned and ready to go. (WHAT? DID HE JUST SAY THAT???) Yep, we already have the details for you, and I know you want to make your plans to attend, so let’s not belabor the pint and get straight to the details.
Our theme is “Colors of the Rainbow” in 2008. We will have a display room that features not only seven different colors, but each color will receive its own seminar. The colors and their speakers for the display room are: White, which will feature a seminar by Bob Grissom; Peach Opal, which will be presented by Sharon Mizell; Green, which will be discussed by Judy Maxwell: Blue, presented by John Muehlbauer; Smoke, with a seminar by Joan Doty; Purple, as presented by Ingrid Spurrier; and our Banquet Dinner will feature the color “Ice” and a great seminar by Marie Capps. The total display will not only be an amazing sight to see, but each seminar will give you some real insight into the color, who made it, and the various aspects of that color.
We are limiting the display to fifty pieces per color (mostly to make sure we have an equal amount in each category to give a truly diverse display). Bob and Sherry Cyza are the incredible organizers of the display room. They will work to make sure our display is cohesive and includes something from as many members as possible. If you have a piece that you feel is a great example of one of the colors above and are gracious enough to share it with all of us for the convention, please give them a call at (612) 869-6980, or email them at scyza@aol.com with your information. They will be putting in a LOT of time on this, as well as assembling a crew to put it all together quickly and efficiently at the convention. Show your appreciation to them by contacting them right away so they don’t have a struggle at the end to make it work.
There are some other things about this convention that will be a bit different. First of all, we are eliminating the Tuesday night early bird, BUT we are adding a FREE breakfast on Wednesday and Friday morning. (Our breakfast seminars will actually include breakfast this time!) On Thursday, we will continue to have our lunch business meeting, so breakfast will have to be on your own, but then you can always stop by the hospitality room for some snacky things and coffee! Additionally, we will have a contest for those who register early for the convention (more on that next time), as well as more surprises yet to be revealed. Jim Seeck will also be bringing us an AWESOME auction!
Let me conclude by telling you exactly WHERE we are having the convention. Next year’s location is the Marriott, St. Louis West, which is a really awesome-looking hotel. It has a pool, lots of very nice wooded trails, and is conveniently close to Six Flags for those who want to bring thee family for a great vacation weekend. Our room rate is $109 per night. To make your reservations (which you can do NOW), call (800) 228-9290 and make sure you let them know you are a member of the International Carnival Glass Association. Our dates are July 16-19 (though you will want to come on in the 15th because we are kicking it off with breakfast and our first color seminar at 9:00 Wednesday morning). We’ll see you there!!
Brian Pitman